A Simple Model for Self-directed Wellbeing

I propose every human has the same basic needs necessary to thrive and pursue a life of full self-directed wellbeing. Building on the SAMHSA 8 Dimensions of Wellness (https://library.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/sma16-4957.pdf) which addresses community-level principles and policies, I’ve distilled their prescription down to four essential elements – safety, security, wellbeing and success – I believe every person needs to live a free, prosperous and healthy life. Below is an image depicting what I’m describing.

I’ve written an essay detailing this model into a framework which can be used as an assessment tool, but also lends itself to surgical interventions designed to remove barriers and obstacles which might be preventing someone from pursuing goals or advancing in life.

Click Here or click on the graphic below to access the article. As always, I welcome all comments, suggestions and feedback on my work!

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