I would love to meet and get to know you! Life is richest when we’re in relationship and actively advocating for one another. Life’s fullness is measured by how many other people we’re serving, and how fully we’re serving their interests. The result is a deep and abiding concern – for their safety, security, wellbeing & success; it’s impossible to truly advocate for and serve another person without developing a genuine and lasting love for them.

My name is Steve, and I’ve created Narratives Coaching to help people change the negative and self-defeating language preventing them from reaching their full potential and achieving their dreams. My experience spans a number of different sources of toxic thinking; having personally experienced addiction, trauma, abuse, depression, and the imposter syndrome, I have a unique perspective on navigating life in both healthy and unhealthy ways.
With a significant background in the fields of addiction and recovery, I’ve observed first-hand the societal and personal stigmatization attached to being an addict. Regardless the addiction (alcohol, drugs, sex (pornography), food, gambling, etc.), the stereotype of ‘once an addict, always an addict’ creates lifelong limitations of what one might achieve. There are, in fact, no limitations – you’re only limited by what you believe; replacing negative thinking and habituated beliefs opens the door to virtually any possibility (as long as it’s anchored in reality).
If you can see it, you can be it. If you can’t see it, you can’t be it. Together we can begin to replace limiting thoughts and beliefs and begin to create new visions and opportunities for your life. I look forward to working with you to create the thinking that fuels your dreams.
Quick Bio…
I retired from a 33-year career in Information Technology in December 2021. Over those decades I had the privilege of working for truly great companies like Honeywell, Netscape, Microsoft (10 years) and General Dynamics (13 years). In parallel with the IT career, I also worked as a semi-professional outdoor adventure guide, leading people and groups in technical rock climbing, canyoneering, mountain biking and back-country primitive travel and survival. I personally spent 25 years engaging in rock climbing at a relatively high level; I’m an experienced traditional lead climber but I also sport climb and boulder. My wife Lisa and I dabbled in high-altitude mountaineering and have some great stories to share!
In 2018 I began the process of winding-down my IT career and training to become a life coach; I hold Certified and Master Certified coaching accreditations from the Life Coach Institute, as well as a Recovery Coach accreditation from the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). In 2024 I graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s in psychology.
With 42 years of continuous sobriety from drug and alcohol addiction, I’m optimally qualified to coach and mentor others into and through the recovery journey. In addition, my decades of business experience qualify me to provide career and leadership coaching; I’m a student of the principles and practices of servant leadership (Maxwell, Greenleaf, Hunter), and have a heart for helping success-oriented people develop the leadership mindset and skills needed to navigate the evolution of modern business. I’ve included a 1-page Coaching resume below highlighting my capabilities and accomplishments.